Part 1:
Each chapter/unit of this Diet and Nutrition Education guide should contain the following information:
A 3–4 sentence descriiption of one key learning point from each unit covered in the course. This means you will pick one specific topic from each unit in
Units 1-9 and describe its importance/relevance for practitioners and/or consumers in a minimum of 3–4 sentences.
A 3–4 sentence descriiption of one resource from each unit covered in the course that is important for consumers and/or practitioners to be aware of in their
contemporary nutrition practices. This means you will pick one specific resource relevant to each unit in Units 1-9 and describe its importance/relevance for
practitioners and/or consumers in 3–4 sentences.
Sources from the Purdue Global University Library, books, articles, essays, software applications, or any credible source listed in the course’s webliography
can be used for this section.
Part 2:
Part 2 of this assignment involves an internet search about a food culture that is of interest to you, preparing a cultural food dish, and explaining the food
culture in a short summary.
Conduct an Internet search on the dietary habits of a community in which you are interested. You can choose one food culture from the list below or select
your own community.
African American, Appalachian, Amish, Hmong, Mexican American, Middle Eastern, Puerto Rican, Vietnamese
After you have reviewed your food culture of interest, prepare a dish from this food culture. In Part 2 of this Unit 9 Assignment template, please include a
screenshot of the cultural food dish you prepared. The screenshot can be listed before or after the writing portion for Part 2 of this assignment.
In a 200-word summary, explain important features that consumers and practitioners alike need to understand about this food culture. Things like specific
food dishes or their ingredients, traditions, holidays, or any other pertinent information can be included as part of your summary. Additionally, please describe
your experience making the cultural food dish in the 200-word summary. Your descriiption can include any challenges you faced, why you chose to prepare a
dish from this food culture, whether or not you might make the dish again in the future, or any other information you want to share about your cooking
efforts. Properly cite the website you reviewed about your cultural food choice with in-text citations using the current version of APA guidelines.
Include a separate reference page per APA guidelines.
This project should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified,
as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics.