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Many legacy systems require normalization.

Identify at least two factors that should be considered in order to produce an optimal normalized set of tables when performing normalization.
Include in your discussion a detailed example on how each factor would eliminate data redundancy.
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.
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Having a successful database is critical for an organization to ensure its day-to-day functions can be performed seamlessly. Three considerations that must be planned when designing a database are creating a database strategy defining the scope, and making sure all of the requirements are met by the end users and management. The legacy information must be transferred into the new database to make sure all the previous information is recorded and able to be accessed. Information should be up-to-date and accurate when importing information from a legacy system. You want to make sure the design accommodates the goal you are trying to achieve and allows for accommodating changes easily.

With the strategy, you would need to interview the key players involved, which are the end user and management. They should be interviewed separately because they bring valuable information from a different perspective to the design. When defining the scope, you want to make sure you include how it is to interact with other applications and the interface within the organization. It should be fully scalable for an increased amount of data and can handle queries without degrading performance. Making sure all requirements are met by the end user is the product of a good design. You want to make sure there are backups done regularly for the best storage performance. Storing and retrieving data should be user-friendly with a well-structured design that is efficient and flexible. The system should be secure at all times, and there should be only authorized users only accessing the database.

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