In the article “Painting the Unseen” of Daniel Birbaun and Emma Enderby enounces that the critical assessment of Klint has just begun and how Klint worked
in isolation, save for her exchange with a group of women who gathered in a northern Stockholm studio to commune with spirits. What have made Klint feel
that the public was not ready for her art and that she had to hide it even beyond her death?
in the video “The Case for Abstraction | The Art Assignment | PBS Digital Studios” they say”as we hurtle toward the present, it becomes clear that abstraction
has been deployed by a wide range of artists toward innumerable ends. Abstraction is no longer an iconoclastic choice, but it has nonetheless proved itself
to be a productive field for those who commit themselves to it.” Do you believe that abstraction will continue to evolve indefinitely? Is there a limit to how
much abstract art we can create? If so, do you believe that the tools available to us as artists are sufficient? Is that the case or is there something else