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Personal Development Plan

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT ANALYSIS AND ACTION PLAN After reviewing and analyzing your progress made on your first Personal Development Plan, reflections, and feedback, write a reflection and ongoing action plan. Please cover the following items thoroughly, demonstrating good critical thinking, insight, and effort (Please include the headings for each question.) 1.SUMMARY: Based on the review of your progress and ongoing class activities and exercises please summarize: a. What you have learned in the course about intercultural competence and global leadership. b. What you still would like to learn. 2.PERSONAL STRENGTHS: What are your personal strengths in the skill areas we have studied? Use the feedback from your assessments and simulations to support your analysis. Reflect on your first personal development plan and compare where you feel you are today. If you feel you have not made progress, discuss why. 3.PERSONAL WEAKNESSES: What areas still need improving? Discuss your progress to date and what did or did not make a difference. 4.ACTION PLAN: Write a thorough action plan to continue improving for the future. What specifically will you do to continue developing? Why are you choosing this goal? Action plans should be specific and measurable and include a deadline. Here’s a good example: “I am going to take a more active role in team meetings because this is important in my work role. I will volunteer to be the team facilitator in at least one meeting during this semester. In all other meetings, I am going to make at least two process interventions to help the team function more effectively. To prepare myself, I am going to carefully observe other students who are excellent leaders, and I will read two articles on team leadership. I will also design an evaluation form on my team participation and ask my team to use it to evaluate me after the meeting I facilitate. Based on their feedback, I will continue working on possible weak areas during the rest of this course.” 5. PRACTICAL TAKE-AWAYS: When you find yourself in intercultural settings in the future, how are you planning to behave differently as a result of this course? In other words, what are your biggest practical take-aways about intercultural competence and global leadership?





Subject Functional Writing Pages 2 Style APA


Personal Development Plan


                During the course, I learned that intercultural competence is an important consideration that enables one to interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds. With intercultural competence, one can think and act desirably when meeting with people from varied cultural backgrounds to avoid instances of conflict development. I also learned that global leaders should be culturally intelligent, sensitive, and can be mindful of intercultural communication to prevent cases of conflict within an intercultural team. Despite this, I would still like to learn how self-reflection is considered an effective strategy that aims in constructing an individual’s cultural identities.

Personal Strengths

                I have a strong capacity of respecting people from different cultures. Being open-minded, I believe that people will always exhibit differences based on their cultures. This strength is reflected by my high score on the Global Knowledge cultural assessment perspective. My desire to meet different people is also an individual strength that has exposed me to an environment whereby I can easily learn about how to develop positive relationships with people from a different culture than mine. I have made a progress in my personal strengths area in that I have advanced when it comes to engaging with others. I feel comfortable living with people from cultures that I am not familiar with unlike in the past. I always believe that with effective communication, I can master how to coexist with others despite their differing cultures. Through this, I have recorded a significant improvement in my culture and religion score.



Personal Weaknesses

                Despite having allocated significant efforts towards politics and geography, I still experience challenges in this area, and hence continue to record a negative score on this area. I have extensive knowledge of the fact that people will always behave differently as a result of their cultural background. However, I find it challenging differentiating between low context and high context cultures and behaviors due to my poor score on the political and geography perspective. I believe that my efforts focused on reading at least two articles weekly on the case of world geography and international politics did not have much effect on promoting my knowledge in this area as a result, I believe that I have the role of considering other effective interventions which can assist in boosting my knowledge in this element. Arguably, any effective global leader should have a desirable understanding of the concept of politics and global geography to overcome the associated challenges with the intercultural conflict.

Action Plan

                To ensure that I advance further in this field, I will attend at least three seminars by the end of the semester with proficient global leaders. This will create an opportunity for me to learn from experienced leaders about how they improved their politics and geography knowledge to become effective global leaders. I will combine this action with a focus on reading at least five articles on politics and geography to grasp more concepts in this area.

Practical Takeaways

                When in an intercultural setting, I plan to communicate more with people from varied cultural backgrounds to understand how I can develop a positive relationship with them free from conflicts. In the case of misunderstandings, I will focus on the use of various verbal and non-verbal communication cues to ensure that we effectively understand each other despite the variance in communication.






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