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An argumentative essay presents a strong, clear stance on a controversial topic, backed by evidence and logical reasoning. It goes beyond just stating an opinion to construct a compelling argument that convinces the readers to see your perspective. Crafting a good argumentative essay requires a blend of research, critical thinking, and effective writing techniques.

This guide will walk you through the process of persuasive writing, empowering you to write an impactful argumentative essay.

Choosing a Topic for Your Argumentative Essay

The first step in persuasive writing is selecting a topic that sparks your interest and allows for debate. The topic should be relevant to your audience and offer ample room for exploration. Consider the following pointers to select the right topic for your argumentative essay:

  • Your Knowledge: Choose a topic that you are knowledgeable about. Research is crucial, but having a foundation makes the process more enjoyable.
  • Current Events: Explore issues in the news or social media that ignite discussion.
  • Personal Interests: Pick a subject you are passionate about. Your enthusiasm will shine through in your writing.
  • Academic Discipline: If your essay is for a specific course, consider topics relevant to the subject matter.

Remember a topic can only be argumentative if it has more than one point of view. You should also consider a controversial subject, with plenty of room for exploration.

Crafting a Strong Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the heart of your argumentative essay. It is a concise, one-sentence declaration of your main point and the argument that you will be defending. A good thesis statement should be clear, debatable, and specific.

  • Clear: Your thesis should be easy to understand, leaving no room for ambiguity.
  • Debatable: It should present a stance that can be challenged or argued against.
  • Specific: Avoid broad statements. Instead, focus on a specific aspect of the issue you’ll be exploring.


Weak: “Social media has a negative impact on society.” (Too broad)

Strong: “Excessive use of social media can lead to increased feelings of loneliness and anxiety in young adults.” (Clear, debatable, specific)

Research and Evidence Gathering

A strong argumentative essay is built upon solid evidence. Gather information from reliable sources to support your claims.

  • Credible Sources: Use academic journals, books, government publications, reputable news websites, and expert interviews.
  • Diverse Perspectives: Include sources that offer contrasting viewpoints to strengthen your argument and demonstrate fairness.
  • Fact-Checking: Always verify information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.
  • Direct Quotes and Paraphrases: Use direct quotes sparingly for impactful points. Paraphrase information for smooth integration into your writing.

Argumentative Essay Structure

Like research papers, argumentative essays should follow a logical structure. So, organize your essay to present the arguments logically and persuasively. A common structure is:


  • Hook: Begin with a captivating sentence or anecdote to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Background Information: Briefly introduce the topic and provide context.
  • Thesis Statement: State your main argument clearly.

Body Paragraphs

  • Topic Sentence: Introduce the main point of each paragraph.
  • Evidence and Analysis: Present evidence from your research to support your topic sentence, analyzing how it relates to your overall argument.
  • Counterargument and Rebuttal: Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and refute them with your own evidence. This strengthens your argument and demonstrates fairness.


  • Restate Thesis: Briefly rephrase your thesis statement in a new way.
  • Summarize Key Points: Summarize the main arguments presented in the body paragraphs.
  • Call to Action: Encourage your reader to think critically about the topic or propose solutions for the issue discussed.

Writing Techniques for Persuasion

Apart from the structure, you should also master effective writing techniques to enhance the persuasiveness of your essay. The following are useful pointers on how to enhance persuasion when crafting argumentative essays.

  • Strong Language: Use precise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex vocabulary. Aim for clarity and impact.
  • Logical Fallacies: Be aware of logical fallacies (e.g., ad hominem, straw man) and avoid using them. They weaken your argument.
  • Transition Words: Use transition words (e.g., however, therefore, in addition) to connect your ideas smoothly and create a cohesive flow.
  • Emotional Appeal: While focusing on logic, use emotionally relevant language sparingly to connect with your audience on a deeper level.
  • Visuals: If appropriate, incorporate visuals (charts, graphs, images) to illustrate data or make your argument more engaging.

Revising and Editing

Even with AI and other article writing tools, you are still bound to make mistakes along the way. That is why it is always advisable to take time to revise and edit your work after writing.

  • Clarity and Flow: Read your essay aloud to ensure clarity, smooth transitions, and a logical flow of ideas.
  • Accuracy: Double-check all facts, data, and quotations for accuracy.
  • Grammar and Mechanics: Proofread for any grammatical errors, typos, or punctuation mistakes.
  • Fresh Eyes: Ask a friend or peer to read your essay for feedback on clarity and persuasiveness.
Examples of Argumentative Essay Topics

There are various argumentative essay topics that you can be asked to write about. Your supervisor may provide a specific topic or ask you to come up with one of your own. Nonetheless, the following are some of the most popular topics to consider when writing argumentative essays.

  • Should College Athletes Be Paid?
  • Is Technology Making Us Less Social?
  • What are The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Learning?
  • Should the Government Regulate Social Media Platforms?
  • Is the Death Penalty an Effective Deterrent to Crime?
  • Is it Ethical to Use Animal Testing for Medical Research?
  • What are The Long-term Effects of Climate Change?
  • Should the Minimum Wage Be Increased?
  • Should Parents Limit Screen Time for Kids?
  • Has The Internet Made Society Better?
Final Thoughts

Writing a good argumentative essay is a journey of research, critical thinking, and effective communication. The goal is to present a clear, logical argument, backed by strong evidence and a confident voice. While the above guidelines can help students with mastering the art of persuasive writing, you should also engage professional academic writing services for success.  At AcademiaScholars, we offer the best academic writing help with essays, research papers, case studies and dissertations. Talk to us today for a customized argumentative essay!


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