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You are to write a paper examining a topic regarding pharmacology research. The research may be basic science, translational, clinical, or a combination. Your paper should include references to empirical data and should not simply be a review of current clinical use, mechanism of action, or past history of a drug or class of drugs. You MUST write on one of the paper topics below.
Your goal is to demonstrate that you have a working understanding of the pharmacological information presented in this course and that you are able to apply that understanding to new material.
Success in communicating scientific knowledge is dependent on not only the quality of the scientific content, but also your ability to coherently put your thoughts into words and the technical aspects of spelling and grammar. With this in mind, your grade will be based on all of these aspects. With that said, scientific writing should be succinct and to the point. It should not be flowery and verbose. Your goal is to make sure your writing style does not detract from the effectiveness of the paper. Write something that conveys your message, doesn’t have obvious grammatical mistakes, doesn’t have typos, and isn’t overtly clunky, and you should receive full points for your writing style.
It is suggested that you use citation manager software. More information about this can be found in the course FAQ.

Allowed Topics
Reasons and factors for the shift from small-molecules to biologics. Discuss how the discovery/development process is different between the two. Include data showing the effectiveness of an early biologic.
Computer to bedside. Discuss how computational methods have partially replaced the need for lab work in drug discovery and development. Include data showing the effectiveness of this strategy.
The increasing importance of pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics. Discuss how our increasing understanding of genetic differences impact the discovery and development of new drugs. Include data showing the application of these concepts to the development of a specific drug. (Students who choose this topic often fail to directly link it to DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT. Don’t make the same mistake.)
The ocean in a pill. Discuss methods and techniques for discovering new medications in organisms taken from the ocean. Include data showing the application of these concepts to the discovery of a specific drug.
The use of non-traditional testing methods to minimize the use of mammalian animals in drug discovery and development. Be sure to include data from an example of the use of one of these methods.
Esomeprazole: Medical Advancement or Marketing Ploy? Discuss factors leading to the development of esomeprazole, how it was developed, and it’s marketing. Be sure to present this in the frame of drug discovery/development and be sure to use priary sources when possible.

Sample Solution

Sample Solution

The 1950s were a time of angst, isolation, and confusion in juvenile Americans. Stand by Me, Catcher in the Rye, and Rebel Without a Cause all demonstrate juvenile loss of innocence, division between parents and children, and the spiritual aspect of the American dream during the 1950s.

The 1986 classic Stand by Me follows four teenage boys on an adventure to find a dead body. Gordie Lachance is the main protagonist; he is twelve years old and neglected by his parents, who are still mourning the death of Gordie’s older brother, Denny. Gordie’s three friends include Chris Chambers, who comes from a bad family and is destined to turn out bad, Teddy Duchamp, who has an abusive father, and Vern Tessio, whose brother was the first to find the dead body.



When the four boys make a plan to go searching for the dead body, Chris, Teddy, and Vern are excited, but Gordie does not share his friend’s enthusiasm. For Gordie, finding the dead body is a way to finally come to terms with his brother’s death; for the other three boys, it is a way to prove themselves to the adults in their lives. One scene that demonstrates Gordie’s isolation at home occurs when he continuously asks his mother where his canteen is; she ignores him, continuing to do laundry, not even realizing that he is speaking to her. When Gordie finds his canteen in his brother’s room, he has a flashback to a touching moment between him and Denny. The flashback is abruptly halted when Gordie’s father walks in and asks him “Why can’t you have friends like Denny did?” He then describes Gordie’s friends as being “a thief and two feebs.” Gordie’s father, along with the rest of the adults in their lives, believes that Chris, Teddy, and Vern are no good. Gordie’s parents constantly compare him to his older brother Denny and put down his friends, making it harder for him to connect with his parents and easier for him to connect with his friends.



Gordie is a very gifted writer, which is a gift that everyone, except for his brother and Chris, ignores. When Chris encourages Gordie to take college classes so that he can follow his passion for writing, Gordie lashes out on him stating, “I don’t want to be a writer. It’s stupid. It’s a stupid waste of time.” Chris responds, “That’s your dad talking.” Chris notes that Gordie is repressing his American dream because his father does not want him to be a writer. He then states that he wishes he was Gordie’s father because if he were, Gordie would not be considering taking shop courses instead of his college courses. Chris acts as a father figure to Gordie, who finds comfort and solace in his friends following his brother’s death. He resents the idea of taking college courses because he knows that it will isolate him from his friends, leaving him complet

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