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To create a short presentation about ongoing professional development for staff and to evaluate your presentation. Assignment incomplete without the self reflection

You are the director of a center with eight teachers, three assistants, and four volunteers. Although you hold regular monthly staff meetings, your staff engages in little outside professional development, and you would like to encourage them to take more training opportunities. At your next staff meeting, you plan on presenting a short training about the importance of ongoing professional development that will motivate staff to continue their training and introduce professional development plans so that you can begin them with each staff member. Finally, you will close the presentation with a list of ideas to review with the staff regarding on-site professional development options that the center could implement.

Instructions and Rubric for Chapter Scenario: 100 Points Total

Focus Assignment:

Create a seven-slide PowerPoint that reviews the importance of ongoing professional development and to introduce what professional development plans are. Include at least two slides reviewing options for on-site professional development that staff could review and vote on.

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