Write a 450 word reply discussion post to the following post. Must have two peer reviewed sources AND one biblical integration. Instructions of
original post are here:
Explain the history and purpose of the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) demonstration project, as well as the process of the RAC as it pertains to its impact
on healthcare organizations.
Post you will reply to is here:
According to Harrington, a Recovery Audit Contractor is defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as the role that detects and corrects
improper Medicare payments (2021). Recovery audit contractors can audit healthcare payments after funds and claims have been dispersed. RAC’s work to
avoid the negative impacts to the financial health of he healthcare organization ( Harrington, 2021).
The Recovery Audit Contractor program was created under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( CMS ) and is responsible for identifying and
correcting improper Medicaid payments that were paid to health care providers under the fee – for- service ( FFS ) Medicare plans (ACC, 2023). Those
payments could either be underpayments or over payments to patient accounts. This program derived from a demonstration program which used Recovery…
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