What is the definition of a qualified disability? In your informed opinion, is this definition sufficient to protect both employees and employers? Do you agree with the legal position that employers must make reasonable accommodations for an individual deemed to have a qualifying disability? Lastly, is an employee’s request for a remote work arrangement an undue hardship? Why or why not?
s new trends in the world of finance, blockchain and cryptocurrency hold immense promise for bringing prosperity into our world. The concept of a truly shared and democratic economy is at the core of the blockchain initiative.
In 2 to 3 Paragraphs, address the following:
Discuss your experience with cryptocurrencies.
Have you used Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ripple, Tether, Litecoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies? If so, explain why you chose to use one of these systems and describe your experience.
If you have not used cryptocurrencies, discuss your opinion about using them. Would you be interested in using or investing in cryptocurrency? Explain why or why not.