School of Computing and Information Technology ISIT930
Introduction to Health Informatics Autumn 2018Assignment 2
Weighting: 25%:
Group work – 4 in a group Submission: 24th May at 11 pm. Report 20, Seminar presentation 5 Word limit: 6000 wordsElectronic health record has been encouraged to use in healthcare industry. Integrated health record would assist in health information retrieval and patient management. Patients’ access to their health record has been promoted in healthcare. Personal health records have been in use in different countries. In Australia, a digital health record system, “My Health Record” has been developed.
Information regarding “My Health Record” is available at
https://myhealthrecord.gov.au/internet/mhr/publishing.nsf/conten t/home
https://www.digitalhealth.gov.au/ https://www.racgp.org.au/digital-business-kit/national-ehealth- records-system/Assume that you are a digital health officer at the Digital Health Agency. Your team has been assigned to provide innovative ideas towards promoting My Health Record uptake. Your manager would like to know background information of personal health records in different countries, success stories and challenges related to personal health records and how to overcome these.
Your report will need to include following aspects but not only limited to them.
Literature on Personal Health Record Systems This could include
! personal health record system in different healthcare systems ! challenges in implementation of personal health record systems ! stakeholders opinions on personal health record
Subject | Computer Technology | Pages | 7 | Style | APA |
Reflection on My Health Records
The My Health Record system is the digital health record system by the Australian government. The system contains an individual’s health information summaries, such as medication allergies if any, current and medication histories, and treatments that have been received (Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner 2018). This essay provides a reflection on my views and recommendations as far as My Health Record system is concerned.
According to me, this approach in which the system accumulates and makes personal care information available and accessible at all time may improve decision-making process on the side of health care professionals and save time that could have otherwise been used in taking down individual patient medical histories including drug allergies. A patient’s doctor, healthcare providers, hospitals, and other treating institutions may access an individual’s health information with respect to their access controls. Individual patients may access their online health care records online (Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner, 2018).
Electronic health records have been reported to contribute increased adherence to risk prevention guidelines and reduced incidences of medication errors (Campanella et al., 2016). Healthcare providers/professionals and organizations should champion adoption and use of My Health Record system, since it results in reduce risk of malpractice and associated cases of lawsuits (Palabindala, Pamarthy, & Jonnalagadda, 2016). In addition, it improves delivery of patient-centered care since patients are served and treating basing on their personal drug and medication histories. For instance, health care professionals will be aware of medications in which the patient is allergic to or those may lead to adverse reactions and instead resort to administration of alternative medications.
In my view, the fact that individuals can access their record online using any device and at any time/place pose privacy and safety issues. Besides, the provisions and increased access to a patient’s medication records by doctor, healthcare providers, hospitals, and other treating institutions also pose safety and privacy issues. Access to patient’s records by a wide range of healthcare personnel and treating institutions open more gaps and increases the risk of unauthorized access. The patient may leave mobile devices, personal computers, or office/cyber computers logged-in to their My Health Records systems and may increase the risk of unauthorized access of most intimate and confidential patient records. For instance unauthorized persons, with malicious intentions, may expose the patient’s information such as HIV status, genetic abnormalities, disability, infertility, and erectile dysfunction to the world through channels such as social media such as Facebook and WhatsApp or other means with intent of tarnishing, bullying, or demeaning the patient in question. I can also think of a scenario in which intimate and confidential patient’s information is used as a tool for scamming affected patients with the threat that their information will be exposed to the world if they do not heed to demands.
As more Australians get registered with My Health Record and have the health records created and perhaps updated over time the regulating agencies should be more keen and aggressive on managing, monitoring, controlling, and ensuring that an individual’s records are put into right use and used for the right purpose. The above recommendations applies to the Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner (2018) since the Office regulates/controls the manner in which records are handled by the Australian Government agencies, individuals, and organizations in the private sector, some territory and state agencies. The My Health Records Act 2012, My Health Records Regulation 2012, and My Health Records Rule 2016 provide the legal framework for establishment, management and regulation of My Health Records (Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner, 2018).
The Health Records Act 2001 was enacted as a framework for protecting an individual’s health information privacy. Individuals are given the right to access health information that concerns them. However, the Health Privacy Principles contained in the Health Records Act 2001 are only applicable the private and public sector in Victoria that collects and handles individual’s patient information. The provisions in the Privacy Act 1988 and the My Health Records Act 2012 empowers the Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner (2018) with enforcement powers and functions including investigation and conciliation of complaints, acceptance of enforceable undertakings, making determinations, and acceptance of mandatory notifications of breach of data from healthcare provider organizations, system operator, portal operators, and repository operators. In addition, the Official can seek an injunction to require or prohibit a particular conduct. It can also seek a civil penalty from the courts (Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner, 2018).
In my view, patient records should be used primarily for health care and service reasons and purposes. They should not be used by government agencies such as the police, the criminal and justice system to hunt for suspected offenders/criminals by using information such as residential location or other information. If used this way, then more Australians will be reluctant to have their personal information and health records online. Similarly, private healthcare organizations and commercial healthcare organizations must not use patient’s personal information and health records for other purposes such as targeted marketing, advertising, and engaging patients, as clients, with the intent of maximizing profits or revenues.
My Health Record has been for a long-time a self-registered model. However, it has communicated that all Australians who do have not previously registered will be registered automatically as from the end of 2018. The good news is that individuals may choose to reject creation of their online medical records. Another provision is that those who are already registered with My Health Record can choose delete or cancel their accounts (Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner, 2018). What I found encouraging about this system, is that participating organizations are prohibited from uploading patient records into the My Health Records system in instances in which the patient does not consent or withdraws it (Australian Digital Health Agency, 2018). These changes and provisions increases an individual service user/patient’s sense of freedom to choose on whether they want their health records kept in the system or not. Besides, the individual service user/patient’s degree of autonomy is enhanced since they can choose on whether to have the system in the first place for their health records or not. Patients will decide on whether the system serve their interests and they want to continue having their records in the system or they want to terminate it. I do recommend for increased public education and awareness so as to ensure that patients/service user s are aware of their rights, freedoms, and autonomy as far as My Health Record system is concerned. For instance, Australians should be aware and knowledgeable on how to conduct the Australia Digital Health Agency as advised by the Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner (2018) when they do not want their records created.
I strongly recommend that there is a need for all individuals, apart from the patient, who have authority to access patient records to observe and uphold five principles govern access, use, and management patient records. These principles include accountability, trustworthy, compliance, privacy, and active management/planning of collection and provision of information (Department of Health Policy, 2015). In my view, these principles can improve data safety, privacy, and confidentiality of patient’s records. Similarly, healthcare organizations, which are participating on My Health Record system, should comply with a range of legal guidelines and obligations. Organizations should update, review, enforce, maintain, and promote staff policies so as to facilitate safe and responsible use of the Mental Record system. I agree with the policy that requires organizations to train staff first before letting them to access the records (Australian Digital Health Agency, 2018).
The requirement for healthcare organizations and institutions to confirm and reveal the information systems being employed by staff may help reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Besides, organizations must ensure reasonable user-account management practices including unique identification of users, restricted use, and secure access to reduce the risk of unauthorized access which may jeopardize data privacy, safety, and confidentially. Participating organization should also improve data quality. It includes ensuring that they have collected accurate and detailed clinical records. Employees who can access My Health Record system must be registered and qualified healthcare professionals/providers (Australian Digital Health Agency, 2018). I believe that enhanced protection of patient’s information and data increases utilization of the system, subscriptions, and facilitates realization of better outcomes including care safety, high quality care and services, and delivery of patient-centered care and services. In conclusion, the My Health Record system has a great potential in improve health and service and enhanced outcomes in Australia; but the safety and privacy of an individual’s patient information and data must be ensured and protected at all times.
Australian Government Office of the Information Commissioner. (2018). My Health Records. Received on May 20, 2018 from, https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/other-legislation/my-health-records My Health Records Act 2012. (2012). Mental Health Records 2012. Retrieved on May 20, 2018 from, https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00313 My Health Records Regulation 2012 (2012). My Health Records Regulations 2012. Retrieved on May 20, 2018 from, https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2016C00766 My Health Records Rule 2016 (2016). My Health Records Rule 2016. Retrieved on May 20, 2016 from, https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2016C00607 Department of Health Policy (2015). My Health Record system participation. Retrieved on May 20, 2018 from, https://www.health.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0036/396099/qh-pol-396.pdf Australian Digital Health Agency (2018). My Health Record system participation obligations. Retrieved on May 20, 2018 from, https://www.digitalhealth.gov.au/using-the-my-health-record-system/maintaining-digital-health-in-your-practice/my-health-record-system-participation-obligations Health Records Act 2001 (2001). Health Records Act: Overview. Retrieved on May 20, 2018 from, https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/about/legislation/health-records-act Campanella, P., Lovato, E., Marone, C., Fallacara, L., Mancuso, A., Ricciardi, W., & Specchia, M.L. (2016). The impact of electronic health records on healthcare quality: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Public Health, 26(1), 60-64. Palabindala, V., Pamarthy, A., & Jonnalagadda, N.R. (2016). Adoption of electronic health records and barriers. Journal of Community Hospital Internal Medicine Perspectives, 6(5), Article: 326443. https://doi.org/10.3402/jchimp.v6.32643 Privacy Act 1988 (1988). Privacy Act. Received on May 20, 2018 from, https://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy-law/privacy-act/ |
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