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Create three SMART goals, using one copy of the required SMART Goal Worksheet for each goal.
The assessments in this course must be completed in sequence.
Establishing SMART goals is a reflexive practice that helps a person think critically about assumptions and values
and puts the focus on what he or she wants to accomplish, personally or professionally.
This assessment is an opportunity for you to select three goals that are important to you, either personally or
professionally. Goals should align to our core values and be the driving force that provides motivation to help us
achieve our vision. Without goals, we run the risk of wandering aimlessly and never achieving what is important to
us. You will continue to build upon these goals in next assessment; but more importantly, you will use them to move
forward in your personal and professional pursuits.
As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your
understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them
with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that
these questions are for your own development and exploration, and they do not need to be completed or
submitted as part of your assessment.
What beliefs do you have about yourself, and how do those beliefs affect your personal development?
What does it mean to be critically reflexive?
What does authenticity in leadership mean to you?
Use one copy of the SMART Goals Worksheet [DOC] for each goal.
For this assessment, complete three worksheets (one for each goal), ensuring that each goal is specific, measurable,
attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Use the SMART Goals Worksheet.
Specific: Describe the three goals in the first box of the template ensuring that they are specific.
What exactly should you be doing to achieve the goal?
Measurable: Describe how you will measure the successful completion of each of the three goals.
How will you know when the goals have been completed?
How will you track your progress?
Attainable: Describe how you know each of the three goals is attainable.
Who is going to help you with your goals?
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6/12/23, 9:04 PM Assessment 1 Instructions: Goal Setting – MHA-FPX5042 – …
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Relevant: Describe the steps needed to achieve each of the three goals.
What skills and resources do you need to achieve each of your three goals?
Time-Bound: Describe the timeline that you will use to track the status of each of your three goals.
What are the specific dates or time periods you will use as a checkpoint for each of your goals?

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