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Rather than teaching science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics as separate and discrete subjects, STEAM integrates them into interdependent learning units based on real-world applications. This allows students to make cross-curricular connections and teaches them to apply their learning. It can also be beneficial in allowing students to access their own strengths and use them to build on their weaknesses. For example, a student who struggles with fractions may have less trouble applying them in a real-life science project compared to a general list of practice problems.

This assignment requires research of STEAM activities. Use the “STEAM Chart” to create inquiry-based learning activities that align to the various components of STEAM. For each grade range (K-3, 4-8, and 9-12), select a domain/anchor standard related to health or science. Create an activity to connect that domain/anchor standard to each component of STEAM.

At the bottom of the STEAM Chart, write a 250-500 word rationale explaining how you would use performance data from the activities to guide and engage students in their own thinking and learning and promote discovery in the inclusive classroom. Include how the data could inform future instructional planning based on identified learning gaps and patterns.

Support your research with a minimum of two scholarly resources.

Sample Solution


When using performance data from STEAM activities to guide and engage students in their own thinking and learning, it is important to remember that each student has different needs and levels of understanding. By investigating the performance data associated with each activity, teachers can gain insight into the areas in which their students are struggling or excelling. This information can be used to identify any gaps or patterns in learning.

Sample Solution


When using performance data from STEAM activities to guide and engage students in their own thinking and learning, it is important to remember that each student has different needs and levels of understanding. By investigating the performance data associated with each activity, teachers can gain insight into the areas in which their students are struggling or excelling. This information can be used to identify any gaps or patterns in learning.

increase partnerships with physicians, employees, and community organizations. An example of this is the creation of a shared governance model to make recommendations to the leadership team. The shared governance committee is made up of designated staff from each department. This creates a partnership between the employees and the leadership and gives staff an outlet for their concerns to be heard. The hospital has also partnered with the community to offer health education classes at some of the larger churches in the area and has sponsored community gardens at some of the city parks encouraging members of the community to grow their own vegetables and encourage healthier lifestyle choices.

The third key initiative of this organization is to grow the scale and scope of the hospital system. The goal of growing in scale and scope is to develop new kinds of local, rural, and national partnerships in order to expand services for patients. These partnerships would allow for innovation in seeking new solutions and would provide opportunity to invest in and develop major service lines to meet community needs. An example of this is the formulation of several specialty practices under the hospital system umbrella and the addition of clinics inside of local shopping centers, often staffed with a medical assistant and a advanced practice nurse, that can be utilized as primary care offices and also treat minor ailments such as upper respiratory or urinary tract infections. This alleviates burden on the emergency department for the hospital and provides a lower cost option for treatment.

A2: Leadership Practices

The leader analyzed is the CEO of this healthcare organization who demonstrates a transformational leadership style with practices that include inspiring a shared vision through idealized influence, enabling others to act through intellectual stimulation, and enhancing team spirit through inspirational motivation. This style of leadership often inspires trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect toward the leader, and motivates employees to do more than what was originally expected of them (Yukl, 2). The CEO’s leadership practices stimulate the employees and influences their beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors by appealing to the importance of collective and organizational outcomes. A transformational leader provides individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation (Yukl, 3).

The CEO leads by inspiring a shared vision through the sharing of ideas for the future with the organizations leadership. This is accomplished through idealized influence in which the leader is a strong role model for the leadership team (Manss). By doing this, he is enlisting others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations. This style of leadership makes the employees more aware of the importance of task outcomes and induces them to transcend their own self interest for the sake of the organization (Yukl, 2). This practice stimulates and inspires the employees to strive to achieve the desired outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. Unit leaders are encouraged to conduct a needs assessment and literature review to determine the evidence based best practices in the areas of employee retention and clinical documentation. The desired outcome of this practice is to bring the people within the organization together to foster a commitment to a shared future they seek to create. Focus on the mission wit

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