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    During lunch break, one of your colleagues mentions that he is leaving early to speak with his daughter’s school Principal. She has apparently been experiencing some cyber bullying by other classmates on a social networking site. He mentions he feels that computers are doing more harm to society than good.

    You think that more parents need to be aware of the impact of technology, including social networking, on society. You decide to write a short article for your local newspaper.



Subject Article Writing Pages 5 Style APA


Technological Influence on Society

            In what has come to be known as the age of information, technology is becoming more and more an integral part of almost every aspect of existence. From communications to education and socialization, technology is influencing the society in the most diverse way possible. Even more so, as Allen (2019) substantiates, technology affects the way people think, interact, communicate, and even learn. Since the inception of technology, many have accorded it with praise and reverences as they ululate its eminence in making almost every aspect of life easy. On the other hand, some individuals stand strong with the premise and conclusion that technology has brought more harm than good – citing real life examples. Indeed, technology comes with its pros and cons. As with the modern problems, many parents have complained that their children were either bullied online or got access to inappropriate content. However, despite this ugly picture that technology has come to acquire in the face of many concerned parents, this paper seeks to accentuate the impact of technology on society today – analyzing both its pros and cons.

            One of the biggest impacts of technology on society today is its effect on education and how it has affected learning. This can be viewed in both the negative and the positive frame. For one, technology has made learning more interactive and collaborative and thus allows individuals to have better engagement with the materials they are learning. What is more, the technology of today has allowed for better access to a wide variety of information and resources online making learning cheap and readily available. There are sites that are solely dedicated to analyzing and answering tough academic questions with others providing research resources. Even more so, learning institutions are also investing in online platforms as they seek to make their library and other resources accessible online. Contrary to this argument, technology has also affected learning negatively in that it is distracting in nature. Research has suggested that many students spend a vast amount of time in social media platforms, thus affecting their study time and routine (Lau, 2017). While this remains a huge blow to education, this form of habit can be controlled.

            Similarly, technology has hugely impacted the communication sector, improving almost every aspect of communication. Through technology, one can send a direct message to an individual halfway across the globe at an instance and get a feedback at the same speed, a feat that previously took weeks. This instant exchange of information is eminent in various fields that help make life better. For instance, research in the medical field could easily be shared amongst relevant authorities, thus aiding in making the community safe. Even more so, this kind of worldwide communication has made socialization and networking easy and convenient. Through social media, people could interact with other individuals from different geographical areas all around the world. More likely, people would make friends from different walks of life. Interestingly, many couples have claimed to have first met online through different available platforms. This form of social interaction is particularly eminent in networking and creating important connections. Nonetheless, this open and worldwide communication exposes people to a wide range of harm, including the exposure to cyber bullying.

            Furthermore, technology has been found to have almost similar amount of cons as it has pros. For one, it is addictive – especially in the context of social media. Moreover, this same technology makes people less sociable in making one-on-one conversations. Many people are glued to their phone and seem more eager to communicate with those who are far than those who are in their immediate surrounding. Some of the health concerns include strains, vision impairments, and psychological illnesses such as depression. This is majorly since people tend to portray their best in social media thus creating some sense of insecurity for those who believe they do not have what their counterparts do. Even more so, this brings about cyber bullying as those who do not have the conventionally accepted characteristics are put to shame and depression. This is serious and often lead to serious cases of mental illnesses and sometime leading people to suicide. However, more often than not, the negative effects of technology can easily be mitigated through control as its pros are maximized. This, in turn, could help shape the outcome of technological influence on society.

            In conclusion, it is evident that technology plays an integral part of the society today. It has been deeply espoused in almost every societal aspect, enabling it to shape our view of the world. Despite many stipulating that technology has brought about more harm than good, this paper has showcased the very importance of technology in our societies today. As has been substantiated, technology is eminent in education, medicine, research, communication, as well as socialization and networking. Nonetheless, it comes with its cons including cyber bullying, cyber-attacks, as well as other health issues. As much as concerned parents may be particularly troubled with the negative effects technology may have on their children, with enough education and control, parents and children may learn to control the content they get online while reducing their exposure to the negative effects of technology.




Allen, M. (2019). Technological Influence on Society.  BCTV.org. Retrieved on 21st June 2020 from https://www.bctv.org/2019/11/07/technological-influence-on-society/#:~:text=Technology%20affects%20the%20way%20individuals,and%20it%20impacts%20daily%20lives.

Lau, W. W. (2017). Effects of social media usage and social media multitasking on the academic performance of university students. Computers in human behaviour68, 286-291.










Appendix A:

Communication Plan for an Inpatient Unit to Evaluate the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style Compared to Other Leader Styles such as Bureaucratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nurse Engagement, Retention, and Team Member Satisfaction Over the Course of One Year

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