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choose an episode of a television crime show or a movie that depicts a crime and provide that information when writing your response.Then, choose two theories of crime and deviance. The remainder of this assignment asks you to look at the following when writing:
Pick two theories of crime and deviance from chapter 6 and use them to apply an analysis to your chosen TV crime show. Think about the ins and outs of the theories in order to show how each differently perceives the origins, causes of, impacts of and responses to crime and deviance. Use specific information (examples, scenes, characters, etc.) to provide ample evidence and remember that the cornerstone of good writing is found in providing adequate supporting details to solidify your claims and arguments. Underline your course terminology and remember that strong writing is best found in ensuring you provide your argument(s), so cite examples from both your chosen content (TV crime show/movie) and the theories you are choosing to apply it to.



Sample Solution

I will be using the theories of differential association and labelling theory to analyze the show Criminal Minds (2005). The two theories of crime and deviance that I have chosen for this analysis depict different views with regards to the origins, causes, impacts, and responses to crime.

The differential association theory states that criminal behavior is a function of an individual’s exposure or associations with those who engage in criminal activities. Basically, it is believed that people learn deviant behavior from their peers or those around them. In applying the theory to Criminal Minds, we can see how some of the members of the team were exposed to criminal activity either through their family members or friends as a child which led them down a path towards becoming criminals themselves. For example, JJ was raised in an abusive home which caused her mother to turn towards alcohol abuse and attempted suicide on more than one occasion. These experiences provided JJ with firsthand exposure as well as insights into what it takes for someone to become a criminal in certain situations where they may feel powerless or without options. Additionally, Spencer Reid grew up having several close friends who all dropped out of school due to drug addiction-another illustration of how individuals can be subjected to gaining knowledge about illegal activities through direct contact with others engaged in such practices.


Sample Solution

I will be using the theories of differential association and labelling theory to analyze the show Criminal Minds (2005). The two theories of crime and deviance that I have chosen for this analysis depict different views with regards to the origins, causes, impacts, and responses to crime.

The differential association theory states that criminal behavior is a function of an individual’s exposure or associations with those who engage in criminal activities. Basically, it is believed that people learn deviant behavior from their peers or those around them. In applying the theory to Criminal Minds, we can see how some of the members of the team were exposed to criminal activity either through their family members or friends as a child which led them down a path towards becoming criminals themselves. For example, JJ was raised in an abusive home which caused her mother to turn towards alcohol abuse and attempted suicide on more than one occasion. These experiences provided JJ with firsthand exposure as well as insights into what it takes for someone to become a criminal in certain situations where they may feel powerless or without options. Additionally, Spencer Reid grew up having several close friends who all dropped out of school due to drug addiction-another illustration of how individuals can be subjected to gaining knowledge about illegal activities through direct contact with others engaged in such practices.


increase partnerships with physicians, employees, and community organizations. An example of this is the creation of a shared governance model to make recommendations to the leadership team. The shared governance committee is made up of designated staff from each department. This creates a partnership between the employees and the leadership and gives staff an outlet for their concerns to be heard. The hospital has also partnered with the community to offer health education classes at some of the larger churches in the area and has sponsored community gardens at some of the city parks encouraging members of the community to grow their own vegetables and encourage healthier lifestyle choices.

The third key initiative of this organization is to grow the scale and scope of the hospital system. The goal of growing in scale and scope is to develop new kinds of local, rural, and national partnerships in order to expand services for patients. These partnerships would allow for innovation in seeking new solutions and would provide opportunity to invest in and develop major service lines to meet community needs. An example of this is the formulation of several specialty practices under the hospital system umbrella and the addition of clinics inside of local shopping centers, often staffed with a medical assistant and a advanced practice nurse, that can be utilized as primary care offices and also treat minor ailments such as upper respiratory or urinary tract infections. This alleviates burden on the emergency department for the hospital and provides a lower cost option for treatment.

A2: Leadership Practices

The leader analyzed is the CEO of this healthcare organization who demonstrates a transformational leadership style with practices that include inspiring a shared vision through idealized influence, enabling others to act through intellectual stimulation, and enhancing team spirit through inspirational motivation. This style of leadership often inspires trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect toward the leader, and motivates employees to do more than what was originally expected of them (Yukl, 2). The CEO’s leadership practices stimulate the employees and influences their beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors by appealing to the importance of collective and organizational outcomes. A transformational leader provides individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, idealized influence, and inspirational motivation (Yukl, 3).

The CEO leads by inspiring a shared vision through the sharing of ideas for the future with the organizations leadership. This is accomplished through idealized influence in which the leader is a strong role model for the leadership team (Manss). By doing this, he is enlisting others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations. This style of leadership makes the employees more aware of the importance of task outcomes and induces them to transcend their own self interest for the sake of the organization (Yukl, 2). This practice stimulates and inspires the employees to strive to achieve the desired outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. Unit leaders are encouraged to conduct a needs assessment and literature review to determine the evidence based best practices in the areas of employee retention and clinical documentation. The desired outcome of this practice is to bring the people within the organization together to foster a commitment to a shared future they seek to create. Focus on the mission wit

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