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  1. 12. QUESTION
    • Use 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 2.54 cm margins. Note that any text which exceeds the maximum allowance will not be graded.
    • Remember that the exam measures your comprehension of course material. Indicate where you get your information⎯author (for readings), lecture, group presentation, workshops⎯directly in the text. You do not need to include a full bibliography.

    Question 3, maximum 1 page single spaced
    The Federal Government(Canada) is making reconciliation a priority like never before. However, both Government and Indigenous leaders agree that there is a lot of work left to do. Moreover, reconciliation can mean different things to different people. What does reconciliation mean to you? If your version of reconciliation were fully implemented, how would this change the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the Canadian State? What contribution(s) can the 94 recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission make towards reconciliation? You may also discuss limits to the Calls to Action.


    1. Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
    2. Nagy, R. (2014). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Genesis and Design. Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit Et Société, 29(2), 199-217. doi:10.1017/cls.2014.8
    3. Rosemary L. Nagy; The Scope and Bounds of Transitional Justice and the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, International Journal of Transitional Justice, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1 March 2013, Pages 52–73, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijs034


Subject Conflict Resolution Pages 3 Style APA


The meaning of Reconciliation

Reconciliation refers to a situation in which groups of individuals become friendly again after an argument or dispute or the process of making two or more opposite situations, ideas, or beliefs agree.  Reconciliation usually involves a continuing collective and individual process which requires commitment and dedication from all the parties or persons affected. For example, in Canada, the reconciliation should encompass Indian Residential School including the community, families, employees, the government, and all Canadians. I believe that reconciliation is an intention to bring truce between parties involved in a dispute through mediations, dialogue, and compensation of the negatively affected individuals. In reconciliation, the offending party ought to accept the harm it inflicted on the offended party and the offended party should have the heart of forgiving after which compensation should follow.

It is important to note that if the above version of reconciliation were wholly implemented, the relationship between the Canadian state and Indigenous people would be positive. A dialogue and mediation between the Canadian state and Indigenous people would enable the parties to understand the cause of the problem and chat a way forward.  Dialogue would enable the parties to generate and submit to the Canadian government, the Agreement a report which would include recommendations to the Government in regards to the Indian Residential School system and experience comprising the supervision, operation, purpose, and history of the Indian Residential School system, the impacts and consequences of Indian Residential School including the impact on human dignity, systemic harms, and intergenerational consequences (Nagy, 2014). The government will understand the problems, impacts, and consequences of the survivors of the residential school such as inadequate housing, poor water, overcrowding, and inadequate education and would institute a program which would ensure that the indigenous people get all they need for better life.

The 94 recommendations will play an integral role in repairing the relationship between the Canadian state and Indigenous people. For example, the “royal proclamation of reconciliation” recommendation would ensure that the indigenous individuals are full partners in confederation along with the French and English citizens (Nagy, 2014). The adoption of the United Nations declaration would result in indigenous people self-determination and self-government. The aforementioned would significantly reduce the wrangles between the non-indigenous and indigenous people. Subsequently, issuing apology to the residential school survivors particularly by the pope for sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual, and cultural abuse would fasten the reconciliation process because the victims will feel the admission of the offenders would be able to forgive.

Teaching Christian values along with the Aboriginal spiritual beliefs in denominational schools would help in integrating the indigenous people, therefore, avoiding discrimination. In the same vein, equal opportunities for education would also play a great role in repairing the relationship between the Canadian state, Indigenous people, and non-indigenous persons. Through equal opportunities, the aboriginals will feel as part of the entire Canadian populace. The government is also required to legislate on the indigenous language rights as one of the country’s identity so that the Aboriginals can also get an opportunity to learn and appreciate their history and language.

In conclusion, reconciliation is geared toward truce between two conflicting parties. Therefore, the Canadian government should implement some if not all the 94 recommendations to repair her relationship with the indigenous people since everyone has a right to life and fair treatment including provision of clean water and better housing.



Nagy, R. (2014). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Genesis and Design. Canadian Journal of Law and Society / Revue Canadienne Droit Et Société, 29(2), 199-217. doi:10.1017/cls.2014.8

Rosemary L. Nagy; The Scope and Bounds of Transitional Justice and the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, International Journal of Transitional Justice, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1 March 2013, Pages 52–73, https://doi.org/10.1093/ijtj/ijs034














Appendix A:

Communication Plan for an Inpatient Unit to Evaluate the Impact of Transformational Leadership Style Compared to Other Leader Styles such as Bureaucratic and Laissez-Faire Leadership in Nurse Engagement, Retention, and Team Member Satisfaction Over the Course of One Year

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