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Introduction The introduction should provide a brief description of the topic under investigation, a discussion of its relevance to social work, and a clear statement of the research question. It should include definitions of the terms and concepts found in the research questions as well as the theoretical framework of the study. [Maximum length; between 500 and 1,000 words, due date; Tuesday, May 19th]

Instructions for Assignment #1:

 IntroductionThe introduction should provide:

1) a brief description of the topic under investigation,

2) a discussion of its relevance to social work,

3) a clear statement of the research question,

4) definitions of the terms and concepts found in the research question, and

5) the theoretical framework of the study.

Maximum length; 3 pages double spaced size 12 font

Due date: Tuesday, May 19, 2014

Your assignment should be uploaded into cuLearn.  You must use APA (American Psychological Association) referencing for all assignments. Make sure that you include your name, student number and date on the cover page of the assignment.  There will a 5% deduction for each day that the assignment is late including weekends unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. In case of illness you will be required to provide a note from your doctor.  Ensure that you have someone proof read your work and keep an electronic copy.







  1. Literature Review The literature review should provide a summary of the literature related to the topic under investigation. Particular focus should be given to recent studies on the topic. It should conclude with a brief description of the gaps in knowledge and how your study addresses these gaps. [Maximum length; between 1,000 and 1,500 words, due date; Monday, June 8th]

Instructions for Assignment #2: Literature Review

The literature review should provide:

1) A summary of the major themes in the most relevant literature related to your research topic under investigation.  Particular focus should be given to recent studies on the topic. 

2) A discussion of how other scholars in the field have attempted to answer your research question.

3) A brief description of the current gaps in knowledge.

4) A discussion of how your study will address these gaps.

Maximum length; 5 pages double spaced size 12 font

Due date: Monday, June 8, 2014.

Your assignment should be uploaded into cuLearn.  You must use APA (American Psychological Association) referencing for all assignments. Make sure that you include your name, student number and date on the cover page of the assignment.  There will a 5% deduction for each day that the assignment is late including weekends unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. In case of illness you will be required to provide a note from your doctor.  Ensure that you have someone proof read your work and keep an electronic copy.






  1. Methodology3 The methodology section should address the project’s 1) sampling procedures, 2) data collection method(s), and 3) method(s) of analysis. [Maximum length; between 500 and 1,000 words, due date Monday, June 15th]

Instructions for Assignment #3: Methodology

The methodology section should address the project’s:

            1)         Sampling procedures,

            2)         Data collection method(s), and

            3)         Method(s) of analysis.

Maximum length: 3 pages double spaced size 12 font

Due date: Monday, June 15, 2015

Your assignment should be uploaded into cuLearn.  You must use APA (American Psychological Association) referencing for all assignments. Make sure that you include your name, student number and date on the cover page of the assignment.  There will a 5% deduction for each day that the assignment is late including weekends unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. In case of illness you will be required to provide a note from your doctor.  Ensure that you have someone proof read your work and keep an electronic copy.







Subject Research Methodology Pages 6 Style APA


The Ontario government offers a number of social welfare programs through the Ministry of Community and Social services. The ODSP or Ontario Disability Program is one of the initiatives started by this government to offer financial aid, food, shelter and any necessary assistance to eligible locals with disabilities (Beatty, 1999). This program was started as a Government Act in 1997 and has been amended severally to include the changing needs of the society. Nonetheless, the main aim of the program has remained consistent since its enactment: to ensure social and financial development of people with disabilities within Ontario. To ensure effective implementation of the Act, the Ontario government provides a framework on the eligibility, appeal procedures, extent of support and policy administration.

            Since I learnt about this initiative, my reaction has always been positive because I believe persons with disabilities also have the right to better livelihood despite their situations. It is also clear that the government is concerned about the progress of its people and is committed to their overall development (Krahn, Klein Walker, & Correa-De-Araujo, 2015). 

            According to the September 2014 Caseload on the ODSP, 29,679 children have been able to benefit from the program. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of this program, it would be difficult to obtain and analyze the experiences of all these beneficiaries. In this regard it would be easier to pick a sample population to evaluate the effectiveness of this program (Emerson, 2015). This sampled population will comprise of both adults and children. However, the children will be represented by their parents who according to the September 2014 Caseload, add up to 25,581.



Research Question

            The main of this study is to understand the effectiveness of the ODSP since its enactment in 1997. Additionally, through this research, I will attempt to clarify its impact on the lives of both children and adults. In summary, the guiding question in this research is: “Since the enactment of ODSP in 1997, has the act successfully met the needs of every disabled person who sort its services?” In this regard, no hypotheses will be generated, instead, I will use the questions raised to gather information and draw conclusions. According to McKenzie and Van der Mars (2015), using questions is preferable since it helps “to provide contextually rich data on the setting in which the activity occurs”.

Conceptual Framework

             The research question has several concepts that should be elaborated to ensure the objective is met accordingly. These include: ODSP, enactment, successfully, disabled and services.


            According to the Policy and Implementation article by Beatty (1999), the ODSP act was passed by the Ontario legislators in 1997. This act of passing legally approved legislation is known as enactment and is therefore. While I gather my research on this program, I take note of the fact that since the legislation was passed in Ontario, it does not affect citizens in other locations outside the region unless. The sampled population should therefore be drawn from Ontario.


            Instead of focusing on the total number of people who have sort the services of ODSP, I based my research on the qualitative aspects of the services given. I was keen to identify the types of services offered and the impact of these services to the disabled people in Ontario.


            According to my study, a disabled person is impaired either physically, mentally, in terms of development, emotionally, in terms of cognitive aspects or through sensory impairment. This argument is supported by Beatty (1999) as she defines the term “disability” in her article. These are the people who form part of the sample population. The remaining population comprises of parents of the disabled who may be unable to take part in the research.


            While the Ontario governments aims at ensuring all disabled people in the region are able to develop, my research was keen on the services that these people can expect from the program. According to the ODSP policy, the disabled are able to enjoy; financial support, effective inheritance, reimbursement or transfer of property services, legal services, employment services and documentation.

Theoretical Framework

            In solving the research question, I used the Equal Opportunity and Development theory advanced by Beatty (1999). According to this approach, everyone deserves equal representation, right to public resources and opportunity to develop despite the current circumstances. Through the program, persons with disabilities in Ontario should be able to access the services provided at their convenience and acquire the full benefits of the services as stipulated by the act. Guardians taking care of disabled children or adults should also seek these opportunities for the disabled under their care. Through this research, it is evident the program has been able to reach many disabled persons in the region through their online initiatives and the creation of awareness.



Beatty, H. (1999). Ontario Disability Support Program: Policy and Implementation [article]. Journal Of Law And Social Policy, 1.

Emerson, R. W. (2015). Convenience Sampling, Random Sampling, and Snowball Sampling: How Does Sampling Affect the Validity of Research? Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 109(2), 164-168.




Krahn, G. L., Klein Walker, D., & Correa-De-Araujo, R. (2015). Persons With Disabilities as an Unrecognized Health Disparity Population. American Journal of Public Health, 105(S2), S198-S206. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.302182

McKenzie, T. L., & van der Mars, H. (2015). Top 10 Research Questions Related to Assessing Physical Activity and Its Contexts Using Systematic Observation. Research Quarterly For Exercise And Sport, 86(1), 13-29.




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