Imagine you are a third culture Indian who lives in the middle east. Based on Jerrold Seigal’s The idea of self. Talk about the “The Relational Self”
The Relational Self is a being shaped by membership in groups that impart values and roles. Seigel refers to this as the “common connections and involvements that give us collective identities and shared orientations . . . In this perspective, our selves are what our relations with society and with others shape or allow us to be.”
Write a 550 word essay on your identity. How you see yourself. How you asee ourself as an individual of different worlds. Fitting in the the modern view. Your view of yourself as a Musilim, As an Indian, as someone who lives in the middle east, as some one who is trying to fit in to the western perspective of modernity. How does your religion, your passport of an india, your language that you speak, how do they all effect your relational self.