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Summarize the system of checks and balances between the three branches of American government. In your opinion, is any one branch more powerful than the other two? Why or why not? What could be done to more evenly distribute power between the branches?

Sample Solution


The system of checks and balances between the three branches of American government is designed to ensure that no one branch gains too much power. Each branch has its own set of powers, such as the executive branch’s ability to veto legislation passed by the legislative branch, or the judicial branch’s ability to review laws passed by Congress. In addition, each branch can limit or check the actions of another; for example, Congress can override a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority vote.

Sample Solution


The system of checks and balances between the three branches of American government is designed to ensure that no one branch gains too much power. Each branch has its own set of powers, such as the executive branch’s ability to veto legislation passed by the legislative branch, or the judicial branch’s ability to review laws passed by Congress. In addition, each branch can limit or check the actions of another; for example, Congress can override a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority vote.

The second theory is ‘Liquid Modernity’ developed by Bauman. In liquid modernity, the web has a momentary value, the past and future become meaningless as coordinates of the psychological life of the individuals’ present (Bauman, 2009). The reason and reality tend to break down the subject having the illusion of being omnipotent, omnipresent and immortal (Carabellese et al., 2014). Therefore, on the web, the other cannot be met as a real person but in terms of an empty simulacrum, convenience and appearance (Baudrillard, 1981), lacking its own identity defined in its spatial and temporal coordinates (Cassinari, 2005).

Space Transition Theory concludes seven key postulates, (1) person, with repressed criminal behaviour (in the physical space) have a propensity to commit a crime in cyberspace which they would not commit in physical space, due to their status and position. Due to Rosica being an ex-cop restricted him committing a behaviour in physical space, as he had to maintain his status and position of being an ex-cop. (2) Identity flexibility, dissociative anonymity and the lack of deterrence factor in the cyberspace provides offenders with the choice to commit cybercrime. Rosica had the accessibility to create a fake online identity in which he did (Katy Jones), this was the identity flexibility factor. This meant that his real identity was hidden/anonymous (dissociative anonymity). And he also knew there is no certainty of punishment, especially with an unknown identity (lack of deterrence). (3) Criminal behaviour of offenders in cyberspace is likely to be imported into physical space, vice versa. Information was not given about Roscia’s physical stalking but he was charged five years for this being one of the reasons. (4) Intermittent ventures of offenders into the cyberspace and the dynamic spatiotemporal nature of cyberspace provide the chance to escape. Roscia knows that in cyberspace there is no continuous risk in getting caught, as the changing of space and time can contribute to the offenders’ escape. (5) (a) strangers are likely to unite together in cyberspace to commit a crime in the physical space and (b) associates of physical space are likely to unite to commit a crime in cyberspace. This claim does not apply t

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