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Tortious Interference with a contract happens when a third party influences one of the parties to a contract to breach the contract. Tortious Interference only applies when a written contract between two or more parties is interfered with by a non-party to the contract.

Study the following two cases that demonstrate how courts analyze Tortious Interference. The two cases should be incorporated in your analysis of the case study assignment. Failure to do so will impact your grade. The below cases are useful examples and provide critical language that analyzes and applies the Tortious Interference Rule of Law:

Florian Greenhouse, Inc v. Cardinal IG Corporation (Justia) (Links to an external site.)

Intentional Interference with Contractual Relations (Justia)

Please follow these steps to complete this assignment:

Download the IRAC Worksheet
Read the case carefully.
Answer the questions listed after the case.
Use the IRAC Worksheet form as your guide in analyzing the case

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