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Review the DEI Guide, which includes a variety of resources such as videos, articles, and eBooks related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Part I
Review the Diversity tab on the DEI Guide
• Identify an area of diversity important to you and describe why this area is important to you

Part II:
Review these resources
• Equity and Inclusion tabs on the DEI Guide
• Health Equity
• Social Determinants of Health

In a word document, include the required information listed below.
• Describe an equitable and inclusive healthcare environment, including specific examples and rationales to support your choices
• Describe barriers to equitable and inclusive healthcare, including specific examples and rationales to support your choices
• Explain how these barriers impact safe, effective, coordinated client care outcomes, including specific examples and rationales
• Select interventions that could be implemented to overcome these barriers, including specific examples and rationales

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