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Virtue of War Week 2  

Prepare a 300-word Group discussion post in response to the following: The authors of “The Virtue of War” asserts that the government has a responsibility to protect their citizens (i.e., the people of God) from unjust internal and/or external aggression. What responsibilities do corporate entities (e.g., Target, Bank of America, Google, etc.) have? What is this based on? What options are available to them, and what legal restrictions hamper them? What issues prevent their more fully cooperating with the Federal government?



Subject Law and governance Pages 2 Style APA




Virtue of War

In the past decades, the idea of an international accountability to protect has increased considerably, with corporate entities striving to ensure transparency, fairness and accountability to govern their relationships with governments and society at large.  For example, the bank of America assumes the duty of providing safety and privacy of monetary and personal information. As its main priority, businesses value the confidence of their clienteles and appreciates that managing their financial data with care is their greatest crucial accountability. The bank of America has the responsibility to set privacy laws from disclosing personal or sensitive materials freely such as social security records, bank information, along with health conditions. Google is another corporate entity that plays a part in safeguarding people’s private information from the mass media and forbidding untrusted individuals or sites from gaining access to any protected accounts.

The government has the obligation to ascertain that its people are safeguarded from unfair hostilities either in the country or externally. Some audience and investigations have been interfered with in modest techniques over functional high-tech developments that are obtainable for storage, collection or manipulation of information. Proposal of the constitution made people to criticize the document claiming that it slighted Almighty God. The constitution was certainly discreet concerning religion. People need to freely exercise their religious rights, and government do not institute any religion since these are the crucial ideologies of a liberal democracy. Though the philosophies themselves get wide concurrence, people dissent powerfully over what they imply and how they apply. Treating religious entities and organizations justly does not mean regarding them the same as everybody else or providing them a combination of special aids and difficulties. This is the main reason why many corporate entities do not entirely cooperate with the national government.

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