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Fast-track Your WGU program with our Customized service

Registered at WGU, or looking a well-recognized online university to earn that degree?

Western Governors University is an online college where you can earn your undergraduate or graduate degree program, while studying from home. The college offers several programs, from Accounting, Finance, Management, Nursing, to Computer Science. 

One admirable feature with this online college program is that you can easily jump to the end of each unit and tackle the final exam, or written paper (Subjective and Objective assessments). 

However, not most students are able to take advantage of this program since they have to go through the entire course content in order to pass an exam. This is where we come in. We bring a team of experts in every known education field to help you through these proctored exams and final assignments, and guarantee a pass. With this service, you can complete a unit in 3 days, and register another.  Our system is completely undetectable and foolproof. Talk to us to get more info.

Want to see some proof of our work?

We have a rich history of aced classes with stellar scores. Check some of the images below. There are many more, just like these.

Customer Satisfaction

This is the zenith of our focus. With our guaranteed performance, we ensure that you get what you paid for, or offer a refund back. 

We belive in our ability to deliver that stellar grade, and that’s why we guarantee you.



We know this is a major concern to most students, and we take great measures to ensure that your personal data and information are safe with us. We stand to lose more than you in case of a breach, so the onus of your security is on us.

Experts on Board

A culturally-diverse range of writers, spanning all academic disciplines. This team is ready to satisfy you.

Most common subject areas include health sciences, math, statistics, accounting, English, computer science, among others.

Your First Time ?

If you’ve never ordered from us, please click below to create an account and get started. 

Have an Account ?

Click below to enter your username and password to access your account. Should you forget your password, click on the “forgot password” Link to reset.

How to place your Custom Order

Placing an order is easy with our customized system. Simply follow the below easy steps and begin the process to being part of the best essay writing service 

1. Submit Order Requirements

Click on the “Order Now” button to access the order form, and fill your exam/test/class details. Ensure that every field is filled, and that you have attached all files related to the test. If you do not know what to include, feel free to chat with an agent via WhatsApp or webchat. Both chat buttons are strategically placed at the left and right bottom of this page. If you have a special order and need to speak to us first, be sure to contact us via either WhatsApp, or Live chat system on our website.

2. Make Payments

Once you have filled your order requirements, click on “Checkout” to complete your payment. All our payments are processed via PayPal and Stripe, which accepts all types of cards. Do not worry, you don’t have to be registered with PayPal or Stripe to pay us. All you need is your credit/debit card. The name that appears on your statement is Superior Essays Ltd.for Paypal, and Superior Web for Stripe.

3. Get the most suitable Writer

A paid order shall be put on bidding status, where the most suitable writers shall place their bids. The support team shall select the best to handle your order. You shall also be assigned a dedicated support agent wo shall take you through the entire process and explain to you how it’ll work out. 

4. Smash the Course

Once all has been explained to you and all systems installed as required, we shall agree on a date and time that all the three parties are available, or when the test is being offered, so that we can take it. All you shall be required to do is simply be present, while we take of everything. 

We shall hep you attain that degree in less than 6 months!

We can make this happen. Ask us how.

Trusted by 89,000+ students in over 15 countries

“This team is terrific! The writer maintained an active communication throughout the paper writing process, and the support were so supportive and responsive. I couldn’t look elsewhere”

Melinda, USA

“I received my paper in time and just made a few edits to suit my needs, and it was all good for submission. My teacher brought it back for a slight revision and they revised it for FREE!”

Iris, Canada.

“I have hard a lot of negative experiences online, and I was sincerely gonna give up, until a friend forwarded me this website. I am grateful for meeting you guys, my life is now much easier.”

Benard, UK

“I am not a native speaker of English, and i think my english is not very good. But, my essays are very challenging to me, i have to write them and they have big marks. Academiascholars.com help me ease this burden. I am not good to go.”

Parwinder, Australia

“I am happy to be here. No more worrying about my assignments. I have recommended so many of my classmates to this site and they are all grateful to me.”

Marquitta, USA

“AcademiaScholars.com, your best friend in time of academic distress:)”

Milow, Canada

We Offer Assignment help in a Diverse Range of Academic fields

We have a diverse range of writers sourced from all academic fields through a rigorous selection process. We offer all assignment, homework, and project writing help in all these fields, including the technical  ones. Below are just a few of the areas we cover with our best essay writing services, and much more!

Custom Essay Writing

We are an academic writing service that has ventured into all essay types.
We tailor your essay and translate what was once complicated into an easy-to-do piece of work. We
deal with all other types of papers such as; Term paper, Book Report/ review, Research paper, Movie Review, Case
study, Course work, Speech/Presentation, Lab Report, Article, Article Critique, Annotated Bibliography,
Reaction Paper etc.

Research Paper Writing

Research Paper Writing is very important as it determines whether your name will appear on the
graduation list or not. It’s not a game of card or better still guess work! We render our tutors’
professional guidance and translate your seemingly complicated task into a doable Work!

Edgenuity Expert

Have edgenuity classes that you’d want help with? It is ok! You are just right on time! Our all-time-ready- support will take you around and hook you up with a tutor just for your need! Please chat with us via WhatsApp or web livechat to get started. 

Dissertation Writing

Dissertation writing is apparently the longest assignment you will get in your Masters level!
It is a defining task. Without which, you may be around for some time before realizing your PhD dream.
Our work is to give you that assurance because this is what we do on daily basis. Our many years of broad expertise enables us to figure out just what you need for your Dissertation.

Homework Writing

Let us share the tasks! You didn’t understand what the lecturer taught? Or you missed that class?
Some homework are as important as that graduation gown! Book a paper with us and focus on the other assignments.

Report Writing

So tired or mind packed with a lot of cares? We value that assignment!
Contact us and tell friends of your experience. We shall write a professional report for you of any type that is tailored towards your requirements, with a complete table of contents, executive summary, detailed outline, headings and subheadings, and peer-reviewed references.

WeCreativez WhatsApp Support
Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!
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