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Why Study Political Science?


Identify why students should learn about political science. Use evidence (cite sources) to support your response from assigned readings or online lessons, and at least one outside scholarly source.


Subject Law and governance Pages 2 Style APA



Why Study Political Science?

In life, people pursue different courses according to their capability, interest, and goals of life. Personally, I feel that political science is one the most important courses which enables people to understand political systems and streamline them for the betterment of the society. Political science equips learners with analytical knowledge that have been developed through principles of research which can then be used to offer guidelines in the society. As a political scientist, one is able to see through political games and distinguish between trends and hypes. Particularly, studying political science will enable me know international policies which I can then compare with other countries and communities so that I can be able to make substantial and scientific contribution to the society as well as the government.

One of my major goal is to positively change the policies in the society in a manner that assist the common person. Through political science, I am able to get the skills to handle the current and relevant issues which affect the society by creating or lobbying for certain policies as per the international requirements. According to Shively (2018), communities which are short of political experts lack strong representation on matters that affect them. An intellectual’s duty in life is to improve human knowledge and freedom. This is perhaps my greatest reason why I have to study politics.

Lastly, political science is a career subject which has employed several people across the globe. As stated by Shively (2018), every person wants to get involved in a career which shall provide for him/her. Notably, a background in political science enables one enable one to get employed in array of sectors which include political party offices, law and enforcement offices, and constitutional offices.


Shively, W. P. (2018). Power & choice: An introduction to political science. Rowman & Littlefield.




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