QUESTION 1 1.5 points
The sermons of Moses in the Book of Deuteronomy rehearse the story of the Exodus and the contract God made with the people of Israel. In Dt. 28 we read a particular part of this contract. If the people of Israel obey God as their king. then “all these will come upon you” (Dt. 28:2).
QUESTION 2 1.5 points
Although he was not eager to accept this mission, he eventually agreed to follow God s will. He went back to the land of his birth, and there he was joined by his older brother named . Thus this Israelite man became the greatest prophet of God in the Old Testament.
QUESTION 3 1.5 points
But Pharaoh once again changed his mind and sent the army after the Israelites. The Israelites were trapped between the army and the reed sea (also translated Rea Sea). God parted the of the sea.
QUESTION 4 1.5 points
At the end of the Wilderness Wandering period the Israelites were encamped on the east side of the Jordan River. The Israelites had defeated the local kings Sihon and Og. In desperation the Moabite King Balak decided to hire a famous prophet to put a curse on the Israelites so that they would be destroyed. He selected the prophet son of Beor, and asked him to travel from the Euphrates River to Moab to do this.
QUESTION 5 1.5 points
Aaron constructed a statue of gold in the shape of a
QUESTION 6 1.5 points
Then the prophet collected donations from the people and directed the construction of a fancy tent to serve as a dwelling for who would stay close to the Israelites and protect them.
QUESTION 7 1.5 points
Following God’s instructions, the prophet then installed his older brother as the chief priest to lead the Israelites in worshipping God.
He then made an for worship in front of the statue, and then the people came to worship with animal sacrifices and partying.
During the journey the people of Israel complained about the lack of food and water in the desert. The prophet turned to God for help, and God provided bread from heaven every morning, which the Israelites called . They ate this food for forty years.
In this contract the people promised to serve God as their . and in return God would take care of them as a loving king cares for his people.
Now choose . so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God. listen to his voice. and hold fast to him.”
QUESTION 12 1.5 points
But between the sealing of the Covenant in Ex. 24 and the construction of the Tent (also known as the Tabernacle), while Moses was talking to God on the mountain, in Ex. 32 we find the account of the great rebellion. The people gave up on Moses, came to and demanded that he make them images for their own version of religion.
QUESTION 13 1.5 points
God informed Moses that He planned to the Israelites. But Moses convinced God to reconsider or change His mind. and then went down the mountain to the people. Moses destroyed the statue and put the resulting powder into their drinking water. so that they literally had to eat their god.
QUESTION 14 1.5 points
When he returned. the prophet led a formal ceremony in which the people of Israel entered into a binding contract with God. This contract is called the (two words. both capitalized).
QUESTION 15 1.5 points
God also instructed the prophet to provide for the people in a miraculous way.
QUESTION 16 1.5 points
To symbolize the commitment of their lives, the contract was sealed with the of bulls as a symbol of the commitment of one’s life.
QUESTION 17 1.5 points
God selected an Israelite and slowly shaped his life so that he would be able to fulfill God s plans. This man, as a baby, was adopted by the princess and raised in the royal family. As an adult he chose to re-identify with his Israelite heritage. But in this process he attacked and killed a civil employee, and in fright he chose to flee to the land of where he hired on as a shepherd and married the daughter of his boss, a priest.
QUESTION 18 1.5 points
“not one of them will ever see the I promised on oath to their forefathers.” Thus God declared the punishment of the Forty Years of Wilderness Wandering.
QUESTION 19 1.5 points The voice of came to him and instructed him to go and get the rest of the Israelites and take them back to the promised land of Canaan,
This prophet then opened negotiations with the Pharaoh in the desire to let the Israelites take a retreat into the wilderness to worship their God. Pharaoh refused. God then assisted His prophet in the negotiations with ten dramatic events. called the (two words, no capitals). The prophet would predict that a troubling event would strike the land; after some time the Pharaoh would ask the prophet to reverse the trouble and promise to let the Israelites depart. The prophet would declare an end to the problem, and then Pharaoh would change his mind and not let the Israelites go.