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Confidentiality, integrity, and availability, or the CIA triad of security, is introduced in this session. These three dimensions of security may often conflict. Confidentiality and integrity often limit availability. So, a system should provide only what is truly needed. This means that a security expert has to carefully analyze what is more important among these three dimensions of security in a system or application.
Use this forum to provide three examples and justification:
Where the confidentiality of a system is more important than the integrity or availability of that system.
Where the integrity of a system is more important than the confidentiality or availability of that system.
Where the availability of a system is more important than the confidentiality or integrity of that system.
For example, you might say availability is more important than integrity and confidentiality in a cell telephone system since one must be able to reach their loved ones in an emergency. Someone else might argue confidentiality/privacy is more important in such a system.

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