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You will need this link https://sites.google.com/slu.edu/transgendernutrition/home and the below references and attached articles to complete this assignment. Here are the directions:

• Review the Course Lecture: Nutritional Care of Transgender and Nonbinary Clients: I provided the slides and articles.
• Read the article: Diet and nutritional considerations for a FtM transgender male: A case report by Whitney R. Linsenmeyer, PhD, RD, LD and Rabia Rahman, MS, RD, LD
• Review the trans-inclusive nutrition handouts at: Nutrition Guidance for Transgender and Gender Diverse IndividualsLinks to an external site. Here: https://sites.google.com/slu.edu/transgendernutrition/home
After reviewing the module content and material listed above, answer the following questions in a typed Word document. Work independently to complete this assignment. Additional references are not required for this assignment.
1. Based on the length of time Carl has been undergoing masculinizing hormone therapy, would you base his energy needs and anthropometric assessment off of female or male ranges? Explain your rationale. (1-2 sentences) 3 points
2. In 1-2 sentences, provide a summary of the disordered eating patterns Carl exhibited. 3 points
3. What strategies did Carl (with the help of his dietitian) apply that you think were most successful for his improvement in health? Provide your reasoning. (2-4 sentences) 3 points
4. Refer to the handouts: Nutrition Guidance for Transgender and Gender Diverse IndividualsLinks to an external site.. Which two (2) handouts do you think would be the most helpful for Carl and why? (1 paragraph) 3 points
What are some things a clinician/healthcare provider might consider including in the design of their clinic to offer a welcoming, more gender-inclusive environment for transgender/nonbinary clients? What are some practices the clinician and staff could employ? (1 paragraph or less) 5 points

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