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Write a 1000-word paper on the following topics:
In traditional western denominations, the focus of authority is ordinarily found in groups (deacon boards, elders boards, boards of trustees, committees, presbyteries, etc., or in congressional rule/voting). In new apostolic churches, the focus of authority is on individuals. In these churches, an apostle is the leader of the church instead of an employee of the church.
Having said that, how do you personally understand and reconcile (compare and contrast your reflection) the differences between apostolic leadership/authority (where the authority rests on the individual) and traditional western democratic forms of leadership/authority (deacon boards, elders boards, boards of trustees, committees, presbyteries, etc., or in congressional rule/voting). Focus on the two key terms, “individual authority,” and “group authority” and what do you base your understanding on? (i.e. tradition, scripture, experience, or other)
What are some of the advantages of an apostle leading the church and what are some of your concerns? How can these concerns be addressed in light of what scripture says about apostles

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