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Carefully read the article corresponding to your topic. (Articles can be found in the locker corresponding to your group.) Identify the purpose, hypotheses, key variables (independent, dependent, or correlational) and how they are operationalized, type of research design (e.g., experimental, correlational, quasi-experimental), procedure (including cover story), and key results. You can use the article analysis form to summarize these details if you wish, but this form does not need to be submitted. If your article is a multi-study paper, read the whole article, and summarize the first study and then briefly (in 1-2 sentences) mention how the subsequent studies differed from the first study.
Then describe implications of the results (in plain language) and a possible follow-up study. Explain why your follow-up study is important and what it would tell us about this line of research. Aim to propose something original rather than something described in the Discussion section of the article. Finish the paper with an APA style reference for the article. The paper should be written in paragraph format, in accordance with APA style. As writing quality is especially essential in such a short piece, plan to write multiple drafts.
Individual Submission

Sample Solution

Article: Examining the Impact of Fostering Hope on Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine if fostering hope and self-efficacy in a group format would reduce suicidal ideation among young adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms


Sample Solution

Article: Examining the Impact of Fostering Hope on Suicidal Ideation Among Young Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine if fostering hope and self-efficacy in a group format would reduce suicidal ideation among young adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms


Altogether, the interesting question arises of how an open-list PR system would affect a less fragmented, strong party alliance system in a democracy such as the United States. The transition from a strict first-past-the-post system, which has been the building blocks for American society for 250 years, would certainly cause an uproar from conservatives and libertarians alike. While it would have little to no effect on the Senate retaining two seats per state, the institution of voting proportionment would likely result in smaller parties becoming more prevalent in the House of Representatives. Potential effects of such an institutional realignment pose short, medium, and long-term socio-political consequences.

Before we discuss the potential consequences, an even more interesting series of events needs to be considered. After witnessing the recent election of Donald J. Trump as president-elect, it closely parallels the social uprisings leading to Dilma’s impeachment. According to Fabrício H. Chagas Bastos, “the outcome of the last [Brazilian] presidential election revealed a polarized country, divided between regions (North-Northeast versus Center-South) and income groups (rich versus poor). Protests from every side were organized by and spread through social networks, spilling into the streets during the campaign and immediately after the election. This led some eager observers to argue that Dilma would rule a country split in two,” (Bastos, 148). Since the 2008 housing market crash, income inequality, the 99% versus 1% argument such as the Occupy Wall Street movement, have caused rifts in the United States trust in governmental regulations. Moreover, congressional gridlock between Democrats and Republicans has only increased the social tension void. Now, the country has been faced with countless protests denouncing Donald J. Trump’s presidential legitimacy, especially through the Twitter #NotMyPresident movement. As reported by Christopher Mele and Annie Correal of The New York Times on November 9, 2016, “thousands of people across the country marched, shut down highw

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