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Human Anatomy And Physiology

  Explain the anatomical concepts associated with biology, chemistry, and homeostasis. Summarize this module’s key points in 5-6 sentences. Explain the physiological concepts associated with biology, chemistry, and homeostasis. Summarize this module’s key points in...

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human Anatomy and Physiology can be a daunting (but also exciting!) course. We will cover every human body system in this course and in Anatomy and Physiology II. It is a good idea to take a moment this module to self-reflect and get yourself organized for the...

Sleep Disorders

  Sleep disorders only come in two diagnostic categories, one related to sleep apnea and the other related to the failure to stay awake due to stress. The use of over-the-counter sleep aids should be encouraged over prescription drugs because OTC aids are safer...

Ideologies of punishment

        Learn about the ideologies of punishment, or goals of sentencing, and how they influence different professional practices. For this discussion, you will introduce yourself to your classmates and discuss the future of each of the ideologies of punishment. In...

Social stratification and inequality

watch a production and describe the social stratification and inequality that you observe. Watch 30–60 minutes of a production from current media that illustrates examples of social stratification and inequalities, such as a recent sitcom, drama, movie, or...
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