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Sharing intellectual property over the Internet

https://money.cnn.com/2005/06/27/technology/grokster/ https://money.cnn.com/2014/03/18/technology/google-viacom-lawsuit/ question Do you feel that the court’s decision was right in both cases? Use the course textbook or any other credible resources to support your...

Business law

          Choose an area of business law, such as employment law, contract law, finance law, or environmental law. Name the area of business law you selected, describe what value you think these types of law have from the perspective of running a business, and explain...

Smuggling from a legal perspective

What is smuggling from a legal perspective? What is smuggled and why is it smuggled? Who benefits from smuggling and who is hurt by smuggling and how? Besides smuggling, what other land and maritime border violations threaten the facilitation of legitimate trade? What...

Settlement discussions

        You represent a dentist who is accused of performing an unnecessary root canal which went bad, resulting in the patient losing the tooth and having to get an implant. During settlement discussions, the dentist tells you he wants you to use certain information...

Laws governing businesses

Choose an area of business law, such as employment law, contract law, finance law, or environmental law. Name the area of business law you selected, describe what value you think these types of law have from the perspective of running a business, and explain any...
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