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      Review both of the case study presentations that were created by Groups 3 & 3B (found in the Discussion Board) and write a brief (approximately 1-2 page) individual response to the analyses. Please format your response as follows: First Paragraph: Summary...


      Review both of the case study presentations that were created by Groups 3 & 3B (found in the Discussion Board) and write a brief (approximately 1-2 page) individual response to the analyses. Please format your response as follows: First Paragraph: Summary...


      Review both of the case study presentations that were created by Groups 3 & 3B (found in the Discussion Board) and write a brief (approximately 1-2 page) individual response to the analyses. Please format your response as follows: First Paragraph: Summary...


      Review both of the case study presentations that were created by Groups 3 & 3B (found in the Discussion Board) and write a brief (approximately 1-2 page) individual response to the analyses. Please format your response as follows: First Paragraph: Summary...

Active listening

    In Chapter #6, pages 157 to 168 you looked at seven Basic Skills that you need to be using and honing during your internship. These skills are: Values and attitudes Active listening Client interviewing Exploration skills Action skills Content and direction of...
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