by Brian Leakey | May 13, 2023 | Criminal justice
Illicit financial flow and financial crime1 Traditional Methods used in Financial Crime1.2 Traditional Banking1.3 Hawala1.4 Money Mules1.5 Black Salaries1.6 Shell companiesPlease just go directly into the topic , no introduction or so . give me a good literature...
by Belinder | May 13, 2023 | Criminal justice
Discuss the issue of age as it relates to positions in criminal justice. Should there be a mandatory retirement age for police or correctional officers?If so, what should the magic age be?Should it vary by rank and duty assignment?
by Brian Leakey | May 12, 2023 | Criminal justice
Explain in a paragraph how the topic of Cyberterrorism relates to the topic of Cybercrime. • Explain how the topic is a problem in today’s society. • Describe what has already been done to address/combat the problem raised in the topic of Cyberterrorism. o Has...
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | May 12, 2023 | Criminal justice
With the advent of various technological advancements, law enforcement efforts in investigating and prosecuting crime have been met with positive results. However, with every advantage comes a disadvantage. Criminals have also benefited from these technologies and...
by acdsholarSAw3B06o6UN | May 12, 2023 | Criminal justice
Discuss several technologies that have changed the face of law enforcement in recent years. Provide examples of the pros and cons of these new technologies.
by Brian Leakey | May 10, 2023 | Criminal justice
watch these 2 videos and respond to the questions on only ONE of them:”Belly of the Beast”: Survivors of Forced Sterilization in California’s Prisons Fight for Justice:”Starving in Silence in...