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Geological Wonders

Take a field trip (or virtual field trip) to your favorite park or natural area. Describe the geological features including rock types, landforms, etc. Research the geologic past of this area, and describe how the rocks and geologic features were formed.

Description of types of mass-wasting

Review the description of types of mass-wasting events in your textbook and the following website: Mass Wasting. Then, using the Internet find and describe a specific example of a mass-wasting event that caused loss of life. For this event, write a short essay about...

Global growth among key country blocs/regions

            “How synchronous is global growth among key country blocs/regions? (Please consider a somewhat long history of 40-50 years).” So it should be emphasizing the business and economic growth on past 40-50 years stories. Like why some regions had a...

Nuclear energy fit into a low-carbon future

  How does nuclear energy fit into a low-carbon future? 1. Explain the basics of how nuclear energy works, right from the mining stage to the disposal stage. This sub-topic will entail questions such as: What raw products are used, how are they processed, what...
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