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The various means of tourism

Analyze the various means of tourism (rail, automobile, and coach travel; airlines; cruise ships) to determine which sector you anticipate will grow the most in the next 20 years. Explain your rationale.

Develop a F&B Concept

  Develop a successful concept for an F&B outlet. Overall aim: The student will understand the importance of analysing various situations/areas/environments in order to develop a successful concept for an F&B outlet and demonstrate their understanding...

Turn your waste into revenue

  At the end of last night’s service in your restaurant, you had the following items left unsold or unused: 4 large Baguettes 3 chicken carcasses 3 lbs. mashed potatoes + the potato peels 4 lbs. steamed broccoli 2 lbs. of vegetable trimming (onion peels, carrot...
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