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Real Estate: Non-disclosure Mold

  Mr. and Mrs. Buyer bought a three-acre lot and a trailer in Hawthorne, FL for $100,000. The Seller disclosed that the septic tank did not work properly, and they negotiated to ensure a working septic tank. Mr. and Mrs. Buyer were living in the trailer for two months...

Auto Insurance Personal Injury

The plaintiffs John (husband) and Mary (wife) were in their 2010 Toyota Corolla, on their way to church, when they were hit from behind by the Defendant who was driving a 2020 Cadillac Escalade. The Corolla was totaled. The husband (the driver) suffered injuries to...

Language and communication

              A fairly large number of people believe that animals have language abilities. Most scientific data on the point, however, indicate that animals communicate, but do not use a complicated system of symbols and syntax to convey ideas. Write your critical...
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