by Brian Leakey | Aug 31, 2023 | Leadership
In your own words, what is emotional intelligence and why is it important for leadership? How do you think leaders can improve on their interpersonal skills if it is not their strong suit? Can group members be working toward different visions and goals and still be...
by Brian Leakey | Aug 24, 2023 | Leadership
Create a poster that showcases your work as you reflect on what you learned while developing the Project Charter in the previous three assessments.IntroductionYou have developed a project charter for your quality improvement project. Now is the time to “showcase” your...
by Belinder | Aug 14, 2023 | Leadership
Today’s leaders face enormous challenges and pressure to perform. What are some of the biggest challenges facing leaders today? How would you address those challenges if you were leading your organization? You may add research and cite sources to submit your...
by Belinder | Aug 14, 2023 | Leadership
Culture affects the workplace as well as the leaders within the organization. What are some of the most notable effects of diversity on leadership and organizational behavior? Support your view and provide specific examples.
by Brian Leakey | Aug 13, 2023 | Leadership
Analyze leadership dynamics and approaches used within criminal justice organizations for determining appropriate leadership styles that addresscommunal problems Determine the potential impact of the ethical decision-making of leadership on the operations of...
by Brian Leakey | Aug 11, 2023 | Leadership
You have been asked by your manager to present at this year’s annual Dynamic Leadership conference. The subject of your presentation is on followership and how it contributes to effective leadership in a business context.The basic outline for this presentation will...