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Prototype for a function calcSavingsInterest

  Given the following function prototype for a function calcSavingsInterest which accepts a savings amount, an interest rate and a number of years. void calcSavingsInterest(double& amount, double rate, int yrs); Note: Sample Test data is provided below at the end...

Prototype for a function calcSavingsInterest

  Given the following function prototype for a function calcSavingsInterest which accepts a savings amount, an interest rate and a number of years. void calcSavingsInterest(double& amount, double rate, int yrs); Note: Sample Test data is provided below at the end...

The monthly life insurance premium

The monthly life insurance premium charged by an insurance company is dependent on the age of the applicant. A basic premium of €32.50 is charged and an additional number of €7.50 increments is added based on the applicant’s current age as per the following table age...

The monthly life insurance premium

The monthly life insurance premium charged by an insurance company is dependent on the age of the applicant. A basic premium of €32.50 is charged and an additional number of €7.50 increments is added based on the applicant’s current age as per the following table age...

Board game for ten players

  In a board game for ten players, during each round, the players take turns at making a move. A player scores a number of points for each move he makes. The game ends when one of the players scores a zero for his move. Any remaining players who have not made a move...

Board game for ten players

  In a board game for ten players, during each round, the players take turns at making a move. A player scores a number of points for each move he makes. The game ends when one of the players scores a zero for his move. Any remaining players who have not made a move...
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