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The Wedding Gift

Read John 2:1-12 and watch “The Chosen” Season 1, Episode 5 “The Wedding Gift” [it’s free online] and notice how they juxtapose two events (the finding in the Temple, and the Wedding Feast at Cana) in order to bring out what Jesus is doing and who He is.–Be sure to...

The Jesus Film of Jesus washing the disciples feet

First watch this brief scene from the Jesus Film of Jesus washing the disciples feet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx9KuZU1EjYThere are so many ways Jesus models what being a transformational teacher looks like on this special night… remember, Jesus was God in the...

7 Principles of Movements

At the following site, you can see 7 principles of gospel movements:https://2414now.net/movement-basics/There is a lot to be learned about being an effective and impactful teacher from this list of principles. Learn about them and think about them in the contextof...
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