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Graphs used in your current work environment

What types of graphs have you produced or used in your current work environment or in other courses? Why is it so important to know how to create graphical depictions of your data? Search the Internet for an example of a specific statistical report that you have found...

Evaluating Research

        For this discussion, find a program evaluation article that is peer-reviewed and includes a methodology and results section. In your post: Describe research questions, design, and the findings. Explain the statistical tests used and how the authors interpreted...

The conclusion of World War II

The conclusion of World War II left much uncertainty as to Europe’s political future and military balance of power. England’s wartime savior, Winston Churchill, offered his vision as one who had been among the first to perceive the full danger posed by the rise of...

General Research Idea

Mischel (1972) examined the relationship between delayed gratification as a child and variables related to success (i.e., future SAT scores, and higher competence). From this general research idea, outline the following: A logical hypothesis that identifies two...
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