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Human Anatomy and Physiology can be a daunting (but also exciting!) course. We will cover every human body system in this course and in Anatomy and Physiology II. It is a good idea to take a moment this module to self-reflect and get yourself organized for the upcoming term. Throughout this course, we will often return to a common principle that regulates the human body: homeostasis.

Initial post: For your initial discussion post, provide one example of homeostasis within the body. Provide a brief 3-4 sentence explanation of the example you choose. Additionally, identify and discuss 1-2 obstacles you may face with this course while learning anatomy and physiology. Examples may include being new to online learning, time management issues, personal or family commitments, test anxiety, etc.

Reply post: In your reply post, provide suggestions for the obstacles your peers have identified. Share what has worked for you in past courses or suggest a resource or study skill that might help your classmates be successful in overcoming their challenges. Remember to include resources that are available through Rasmussen College’s Library Learning services, online, and/or through a mobile device.

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