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Justification of strategies for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, families and communities

Throughout the unit, you have examined a range of strategies and resources for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners, families and communities and for teaching the history of Australia in respectful ways that promote reconciliation.
For this task, you will select and describe the strategies you would use to engage Indigenous students in learning in educational settings and explain why you think they would work.
Task Details
You will identify
1) 6 strategies with brief examples that show consideration of students’ cultural (2) linguistic (2) and identity (2) needs
2) 2 strategies with brief examples for working effectively and sensitively with families and communities to support the learning and engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
3) Your work can be presented in a format of your choices such as a table, matrix, written report or a multimodal form that includes diagrams, flowcharts or any other format suitable for identifying and describing the chosen strategies. A word limit of 800 words (or equivalent for tables, diagrams etc.) applies to this section of the task. You may use sub-headings for your chosen strategies.

You will provide a justification of no more than 1000 words that clearly explains why the above listed strategies would meet the cultural, linguistic and identity needs of Indigenous learners, as well as how to work effectively and sensitively with families and their communities. You should identify any limitations on the effectiveness of these strategies in a range of different contexts. This justification should consider the diversity of needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in rural, remote and urban areas and educational settings made up solely of Indigenous learners, as well as those where only a small minority of students are Indigenous. Your justification will be supported by references from unit readings, readings of your choice from peer-reviewed sources and your set text.

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