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A researcher randomly assigns 33 subjects to one of three groups. Group 1 receives technical
dietary information interactively from an online website. Group 2 receives the same information
from a nurse practitioner, while Group 3 receives the information from a video made by the same
nurse practitioner.
The researcher looked at three different ratings of the presentation: difficulty, usefulness, and
importance to determine if there is a difference in the modes of presentation. In particular, the
researcher is interested in whether the interactive website is superior because that is the most
cost-effective way of delivering the information.
Group Usefulness Difficulty Importance Group Usefulness
y Importance
1 20 5 18 2 29 10 5
1 25 9 8 2 26 11 1
1 23 15 20 2 22 5 2
1 16 9 22 2 15 15 14
1 20 6 22 2 29 6 4
1 28 14 8 2 15 6 3
1 20 6 13 3 22 8 12
1 25 8 13 3 27 9 14
1 24 10 24 3 21 10 7
1 18 10 20 3 17 9 1
1 17 9 4 3 16 7 12
2 28 7 14 3 19 9 7
2 25 14 5 3 23 10 1
2 26 9 20 3 27 9 5
2 19 15 22 3 23 9 6
2 29 14 12 3 16 14 22
2 15 6 2

  1. Analyze the data and interpret the results using a MANOVA.
  2. Run a t-test using this data and interpret those results.
  3. Compare the outcomes of the MANOVA and t-test and identify any differences. Which
    approach would you use? Why?

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