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Consider the case study.

After graduating from college with a degree in nursing, Andy finds a solid job, gets married, and has two sons. Twelve years later, he moves to a position at another hospital promising him steady advancement within its managerial ranks. A devoted family man, Andy admires his wife’s dedication to raising their boys. But he also observes that his sons, approaching their teen years, benefit greatly from his fatherly friendship and counsel- especially as they approach what he and his wife realize could prove to be a difficult transitional period in their upbringing. So he has made a commitment to spend plenty of time with them, playing baseball and helping with their schoolwork. But he also loves his work, and does well at it. It has become apparent that to advance rapidly up the managerial ranks at this hospital, he should obtain a graduate degree. A nearby university offers the degree in an evening-and-weekend program that would allow him to continue full-time employment, but would soak up his free time for the next several years and throw most of the family activities into his wife’s hands.

Step 2 In your original post, address the following questions relating to the dialogue.

Assume the perspective of Andy within this scenario. In keeping with Andy’s point of view, address the following:

Define the concept of reasonableness.
Where should Andy focus his attention? Why?
How do you believe someone like Andy is capable of incorporating non-rational mental processes into his critical thought? How are we able to engage in this intense level of cognition?
What rational and emotional principles are at work in your view?
Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts by Friday 11:59pm MT.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. In addition to other comments you may have, address the following questions in your response posts:

Imagine you are Andy’s wife. Where do you believe Andy should focus the majority of his attention moving forward? Why?
How would you define the concept of reasonableness from the perspective of Andy’s wife?
As Andy’s wife, do you feel there are any emotional principles at work here? Are there any rational principles? If so, explain.
Use any personal experience if appropriate to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

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