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find examples from film and television of the different stages of a relationship, and describe them in writing, explaining why your examples depict the various stages. You must use two distinct stages and examples for complete credit.

Stage One (any stage from the model)
1A.) Identify and describe one stage of coming together or coming apart in your own words. 1 paragraph.

1B.) Find an example from film or tv (such as a youtube clip) of a couple (or individual if appropriate) in that stage. Include this video link.

1C.) Explain why that couple is an example of that relationship stage. What behaviors are happening? What communication features are present that indicate they are in that stage? 1 paragraph

Stage Two (any stage from the model different from your first example)
2A.) Identify and describe one stage of coming together or coming apart in your own words. 1 paragraph.

2B.) Find an example from film or tv (such as a youtube clip) of a couple (or individual if appropriate) in that stage. Include this video link.

2C.) Explain why that couple is an example of that relationship stage. What behaviors are happening? What communication features are present that indicate they are in that stage? 1 paragraph

chapter 8 A
This week’s chapter on relationship development and maintenance explored Social Exchange Theory. This is an economic view of relationships. Please view the clip from Friends about selfless good deeds, and respond to the following prompts (in no more than 1 page);
1A.) Social exchange theory argues that every choice we make is made because of some sort of tangible or intangible benefit. In this clip from Friends, we see Phoebe attempt to find a selfless act, and if successful, would dispute social exchange theory. Are there any selfless acts?
1B.) If there are any truly selfless acts between people in relationships, provide an example of one. It can be real or hypothetical.
2A.) Do you think cost-reward analysis is useful in relationship formation and maintenance?
2B.) Why or why not?

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