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watch a production and describe the social stratification and inequality that you observe.
Watch 30–60 minutes of a production from current media that illustrates examples of social stratification and inequalities, such as a recent sitcom, drama, movie, or documentary.
Take notes while you watch to record examples of the behavior patterns that reflect social stratification and inequality.
Write a 400-word paper in which you discuss the show or film as it relates to race, gender, and social class stratification. Do the following:
Describe the show or film you selected, including a brief summary of the plot and setting of the story.
Describe at least 2 examples of social inequalities that you observed. Which social structures or norms could have contributed to these inequalities?
Explain the theoretical perspective—functionalism, conflict theory, or symbolic interactionism—that you used to explain the social inequalities. Explain your reasons for choosing this perspective.
Describe the connections between the social stratification of class, race, and gender you observed in the show or film and the ways that it represents inequality in our society.

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