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Scope out what is already known about the topic (explain the topic) and explain in detail by exploring the research available.
Get up to date with the current research
Set the scene and establish the importance of the research.
Find a gap in literature (what is missing and not known) , the issue at hand.
Only use clinical trials, peer reviewed scientific articles.
Studies involved in human trials only 18+
Method: Make sure study mentions how diagnosis is done or how the stage of type 2 diabetes was determined e.g; clinical diagnosis or blood test
Include insulin enhancing uptake, insulting regulating supplements and herbal extracts including the mechanism of action for example chromium and cinnamon.
Include how the research was conducted e.g: a literature search was conducted searching the following websites…
Include Eligibility criteria for method e.g: only papers published in the last 10 years were included to keep the search relevant.
Only papers published in English were included… etc.
Results: should include how the research was conducted, how many papers were reviewed and screened, how many qualified and how many were included in data synthesis (can include flow chart)

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