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How Islam is related to the other Abrahamic faiths

How is Islam related to the other Abrahamic faiths such as Judaism and Christianity? How were Christianity and Judaism treated by Muslims in early Islamic society? Why do you think they fostered toleration while giving Muslims a greater sense of community?

A Christian worldview

Based on your understanding of a Christian worldview, how would you define psychopathology? What does the Bible say about abnormality? What is the secular view of abnormality?

Protestant Reformation

What were the political and religious causes of The Protestant Reformation? What was Martin Luther’s role, and how did the German princes help his cause? What did the Reformation do to the political and religious landscape of Europe? Who were the other main...

How Wollstonecraft uses religious and theological concepts

          Discuss how Wollstonecraft uses religious and theological concepts such as providence, reason as the “emanation of divinity,” creation in the “image of God,” and immortality of the soul to support equality and the rights of women. How does she combine this...
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